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 Maternity Photos It seems like I currently know many people that have recently had a baby or are expecting. The exciting feelings and anticipation of a newborn baby are floating through the air. I live the excitement through all of you having the babies because I am done! I am blessed with two boys. They are twins, but very different in every way you can imagine. We are not aiming to have anymore. When all of the other people have their little ones I can just go into cool aunt mode (even if we aren't related!) and give them some spoils and cuddles! Because of all of the babies, I figured it was about time we talk about maternity sessions. Yay babies!! If you are considering having some soon, I bet you'll find yourself a little nervous and unsure about the session.  I like to keep sessions easy and that's what we will do. So, here's some advice.  Breathe, relax, and remember this needs to be a celebratory session. Let's enjoy this season of l...

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