Family Sessions

 Family Sessions

 It's time to schedule your family session. What a fun thing! 

You may be tempted to stress out, but there is no need. Your photographer is taking care of you. Preparing for you session is easy. 

If you have a favorite park or place you love, don't be afraid to mention it to your photographer. If you have a certain feeling you are going for and know of just the right place, then that's what you need. 

Your photographer wants your photo session to be comfortable and in the environment that fits your style and family. 

Now you're thinking, "I don't have a favorite park! I don't know anywhere to go. I'm doomed!"

Hold it right there! 

You're in panic mode and you don't need to do that. 

Photographers know places. They search and scour the metroplex. They comb through the all all of cities and towns. They have lists. They make lists on lists!

It's actually more common than not to schedule an appointment and the photographer tells you where to meet them. And that's just easy! 

Now, you're wondering about your kids. How will they handle this whole photo session situation without breaking down and turning it into a miserable time.

Well, we have no guarantees on what your kids will do, but once again, trust your photographer.  They will do their best to help the kiddos get through the session. Many of them end up having fun. Let your kids talk to the photographer and feel they are apart of the experience. Let them play and laugh! Those are the true moments photographers look for. Many of the real, sincere moments come from the candid free time, between poses.

If your photographer is like me, they like to let families move around, enjoy each other, and keep the camera going. 

Another thing that can be helpful is bribes. Try not to be above that on photo day! If there is something your kid will look forward to, be ready to pull it out between photos or right after the session. Sometimes, it can really ease the day.

Okay, so we settled your location discomforts, and your kid concerns, now what? Clothes?

Ahh, yes. Clothes. Just remember, keep it simple. If you have patterns or designs going on for some, then give others more solids. This prevents clashing and is easier on the eyes.

For a more in depth discussion on outfits, visit my other post .

That covers most of the concerns you have probably had over your session. If you have anything else, feel free to send me a message to ask. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Let's talk soon!

Lindsey Hanks 

Lindsey Hanks Photography

Burleson, Tx


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